
The machines we love to hate

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Harold Dye
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Post by Harold Dye »

I use Firefox for the browser and it updates when necessary. A couple of days ago I pulled it up and one of the links was for a new browser. I downloaded it and it is different from the one I was using. It is filled with ads,the format is different and I had an ad blocker with PC Matic that went away. I have tried several times to reinstall it but I can't do it. PC Matic lets me chose the browser to use and when I chose Firefox it gives me a way to do it but I can't walk thru the process. Can I go back to the older firefox browser I was using ? I can't deal with all the ads that pop up.
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Howard Parker
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Post by Howard Parker »

That does not sound like Firefox. If you want to install a clean copy from scratch you can download for your device here!

Harold Dye
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Post by Harold Dye »

If I download that will I need to delete the one I have now?
Harold Dye
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Post by Harold Dye »

I tried to download it but it says will not download on the computer.
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Howard Parker
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Post by Howard Parker »

Unknown without me sitting down at your computer. The ads were caused by clicking on a bogus link most likely.

You don't say what the computer/operating system is. Have a malware detector installed? If so, run a scan.

If it's an older (pre Win 10 system) you'll be more susceptible to all kinds.

A lengthy answer to basically say that based on the info at hand, the safe bet (if it's a Firefox issue) is to uninstall and install a fresh copy.

Yes you will lose bookmarks, passwords, etc.

Harold Dye
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Post by Harold Dye »

My computer is old enough that it does not have support. When I downloaded the foxfire I have now I lost all my bookmarks and other things. If I uninstall this one will I be able to go back to the firefox I was using or do I need to use chrome. If I delete it before I get another one how will I be able to browse to find something else?
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Jim Fogle
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Post by Jim Fogle »

Microsoft has an application that may help you. The application is called the Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool. The tool is available here: ... r-download

The tool is a small program that runs on your computer and does not access the internet. I suggest you download the tool to your desktop. Then you can double click on the file and run it. By default the tool performs a quick scan that takes a few minutes. The tool is destructive as it removes any file that it recognizes as malware. The tool may suggest it performs a full scan which takes longer than a quick scan.

The malware list inside the Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool is updated and added to the tool daily. The tool will not work ten days after it has been downloaded.

Once you have run the Microsoft Support Emergency Response Tool, I suggest you run whatever Security Virus and threat protection tool your operating system has. One way to access this is by pressing the Windows button on the keyboard > Windows Security (System) > Virus and threat protection.

The reason I suggest running the emergency tool first and the built-in security second is it is common for malware to turn-off the built-in virus protection and you may not be able to turn the protection on until the virus is removed.
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Harold Dye
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Post by Harold Dye »

Thanks I will try that. I deleted the new Firefox that I downloaded and reload another one. It is totally different from the one that was a problem and is working great.
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