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Author Topic:  Sierra Records website closing May 31, 2019 -last chance
John Brabant


Calais, VT, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2019 7:32 am    
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Apparently John Delgatto was able to get a years reprieve from the inevitable close down of his website last year, which I posted a notification about on the Forum. So, I received this email message (posted below) yesterday that I thought you may all want to be aware of. A lot of good steel guitar albums are carried by Sierra Records and only by Sierra Records, including stuff featuring JayDee, Sneeky, Al Perkins, Mike Auldridge, Gene Parsons, Burritos, Byrds, Desert Rose Band, Kentucky Colonels, Clarence White, etc. So, get on it if you have been putting off picking up some of these soon hard or impossible to find CDs and LPs:

Link to steel guitar CDs:

It’s official, it's for real, Sierra Records 15 year old mail order website will be gone as of midnight May 31, 2019. which has provided the webstore from the beginning, notified me last year they were closing down their accounts. However, they kept active the Sierra Records Mail Order website with a year extension. But now, there are only days left before the mail order side of the business will close, will be no more.
Between now and May 31 will be your last chance to purchase what remaining titles are left in the Sierra Records catalog along with some special order titles. Once a title is sold out prior to the May 31 closing, it will no longer appear on the website.
For the future, most of the Sierra Record titles are and or will be available as digital downloads from the usual suspects: itunes, amazon, Pandora, Spotify, emusic, etc. Physical product, vinyl, CDs, DVDs will be in short supply if not hard to obtain in the future.
I will be moving on to other ventures and projects which you will hear more about in the not so distant future. I want to thank everyone for the support you have shown for the label going back to November 1971 when my first ad ran in Bluegrass Unlimited magazine.
Moving forward as of June 1, 2019 the current website addresses will take you a webpage that will have future updates from time to time.
Again, this will be your last chance to order any releases you might have missed.
I wish everyone, God-speed.
John Delgatto, Founder/President
John Brabant
1978 Emmons D-10 P-P
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