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Author Topic:  Importing a WAV, using the melody analyzer.
Mike Holland


Santa Cruz, California, USA
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2010 6:33 pm    
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I have my own WAV files from other recording programs (cubase, ableton, garageband) that I can bring into BIAB. After reading the posts in this category, I found the Melody Analyzer and then saved it to BIAB. Now what? What I was hoping to do was put some drum and bass track to it.
For me, the problem with home recording, and recording in general, is the drum and bass are supposed to go first and then the guitar or piano over those as play along. I want to put the guitar or piano first and then do whatever it takes to add drums and bass after.
I figure if I can go into the show audio mode, I can edit and paste to get things lined up. Any help, forumites? Thanks. You guys have been such a help!
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